Wuon-Gean Ho
Wuon-Gean Ho is a British Chinese artist who specialises in printmaking and whose work has appeared in various international art exhibitions and art collections. She has taken on art residencies at a number of institutions including the Caldera Arts Center, Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts, Bluecoat Arts Centre and Aberystwyth School of Art. Examples of her work are displayed at both the National Art Library and the Tate Library, In 2014 she was commissioned by the Royal Mint to design their annual Lunar coin series for which she has done five years in a row.

Since 2013 she has been studying for a Masters at the Royal College of Art, and is now the editor for the magazine Printmaking Today.
The Royal Mint has created the first-ever United Kingdom legal tender Lunar coins, lending a uniquely British angle to an ancient Chinese tradition. The Shēngxiào Collection, named to honour the Chinese zodiac is the perfect way to wish good luck and fortune to its recipients, and the first coin available in the new series will celebrate the forthcoming Lunar Year of the Horse.
British Chinese artist Wuon-Gean Ho has been commissioned to create a dynamic and handsome design for the new coin. An artist of Chinese descent who was born in the UK, she works in many disciplines including printmaking, animation, performance and artist’s books. This is the first design Wuon-Gean Ho has produced for The Royal Mint.